Thursday, May 31, 2012

Biopsychological Research Methods in ADHD

Biopsychological Research Methods in ADHD
The most prevalent childhood disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), impedes the ability to focus, maintain attention, control behavior, and causes overzealous activity (NIMH, 2012).  “Approximately 4.4 million children in the United States meet criteria for the disorder and half are receiving pharmacological treatment” (Martin, Hymer, Poprawski, & Associates, 2010).  The symptoms range from mild to severe functional deviations of the central nervous system, inclusive of boredom, daydreaming, excessive or disruptive talking and playing, anxiety, and impatience.  Although ADHD was once exclusively considered a childhood disease, modern research indicates that individuals are prone to retain such symptoms throughout adolescence and into adulthood.  Those afflicted with the disorder are typically proficient, lacking significant neurologic or psychiatric disturbance (Remedy Health Media, 2012).  However, the disorder tends to impede concentration, hence, academic performance, career stability, and safety measures may be compromised.  The causes of ADHD are extensively regarded as inheritance, environment, brain injury, sugar, and food additives.  Furthermore, as several of the symptoms associated with this disorder are common among all children, it may be difficult to diagnose.  Thus, licensed health professionals must gather the subject’s personal and familial information and consider his or her behavior and environment (NIMH, 2012).  Major components to managing ADHD, as with most disorders and diseases, are early detection and adequate treatment which may improve work performance, social interaction, and overall quality of life (Mayo Clinic, 2012).  Treatments ranging from medication, psychotherapy, instruction or training, or a combination of techniques are employed to reduce symptoms and progress functioning (NIMH, 2012).  Of these, the foremost method of treatment is a pharmacological approach, yet practitioners have sought invasive electrophysiological recording methods and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as well (Pinel, 2011).  When implementing these methodologies, the practitioner must consider the advantages and disadvantages or side effects in relation to the individual.  In effort to examine these methods the following case studies have been reviewed. 
The first study explores the usage and effect of medication in treating ADHD, a pharmacological approach.  Stimulant drugs such as methylphenidate (MPH) and amphetamine, typically Ritalin and Adderall, are commonly prescribed.  “Since the 1990s there has been a precipitous increase in pharmacotherapy for treating this disorder in young children.  In fact, the use of stimulants for preschool children enrolled in state Medicaid programs doubled over the 6-year period 1992–1998” (DuPaul & Kern, 2011, p. 149).  Historically, these means have consistently proven to augment one’s attention span and impulse control.  However, in more recent times, nonstimulant meds such as Strattera, Catapres, and Intuniv are utilized.  Thus far, the side effects of nonstimulants are less harmful than those of stimulant drugs, while enhancing educational and social functioning.  Yet, the effects of nonstimulants are inconclusive as they are not widely utilized.  Hence, the focal point of ADHD treatment remains on stimulant medications.  The leading research of such is the Preschool ADHD Treatment Study (PATS) (DuPaul & Kern, 2011).  Initially, this study included 303 participants (76% boys, 24% girls) age 3 to 5.5 years.  Once the children were screened and their parents were trained over a 10 week period, 147 participants remained.  Over the next 9 weeks, the children were administered MPH, of which the first 5 weeks consisted of dosage levels of placebo, 1.25mg, 2.5mg, 5mg, and 7.5mg, as each dosage was used for each week.  Once the most appropriate dosage per child was determined, the last 4 weeks the participants were randomly given either the placebo or their optimal dosage.  During this time, researchers utilized parent and teacher ratings in conjunction with the observation of behavior in a classroom setting.  Results during the initial 5 weeks indicated that ADHD symptoms significantly declined with the 3 highest dosages although they did not fluctuate among those dosages.  Additionally, 12% of participants demonstrated no response or a more favorable response to placebo as opposed to their full dose of MPH.  These participants along with 26 others who demonstrated faltered behavior or extreme adverse side effects were excluded from the remaining 4 weeks, leaving a sample of 114 children.  Of these, 77 participants completed the remainder of the study.  Again, it was determined that optimal levels of MPH resulted in fewer ADHD symptoms than placebo dosages.  Moreover, participants receiving optimal doses exemplified more social competence and overall improvement as opposed to participants receiving placebo.  Furthermore, nearly 30% of remaining participants experienced moderate to severe side effects including decreased appetite, trouble sleeping, and weight loss.  The potential of stunted growth was a concern as well.  These effects occurred more often after MPH dosage versus placebo.  Post-study, 95 PATS children participated in a 10 month open-trial period in which they continued to receive their optimal dosage, 14-20mg per day, inclusive of observation and necessary adjustments.  Results held constant.  However, 45 additional children who exclusively participated in the 10 month trial phase ceased treatment due to adverse side effects, poor behavior, or switching to alternative stimulants (DuPaul & Kern, 2011).  These findings indicate that gradually introducing medication is more favorable than initially administering higher dosages.  In general, utilizing pharmacological methods inclusive of stimulant medications such as MPH to treat children with ADHD may effectively reduce ADHD symptoms increasing the child’s social function, although, recipients and parents should be aware of relative adverse side effects.
Next, practitioners must implement additional biopsychological means to study ADHD.  One method to consider is brain imaging, more specifically magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).  This procedure utilizes high-resolution images “constructed from the measurement of waves that hydrogen atoms emit when they are activated by radio-frequency waves in a magnetic field” (Pinel, 2011, p. 104).  This three dimensional imagery illustrates variances in spatial location.  In a particular instance, researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health concluded that individuals suffering from ADHD maintained lower rates of glucose, the brain’s chief energy source, predominantly in regions controlling attention, handwriting, motor control, and inhibition reactions (Remedy Health Media, 2012).  Additional research concludes that “the claustrophobic and anxiety inducing environment of MRI machines result in greater attrition for subjects who are younger, female, and anxiety sensitive, such as ADHD subjects” (Czarnolewski, 2011, p. 2). 
Another means of treating ADHD is the invasive electrophysiological recording method. 
These processes enable practitioners to examine the function and dysfunction of the neural system (Aston-Jones & Siggins, 2000).  More specifically, electrophysiological measures of activity in the central and the autonomic nervous systems are analyzed to determine the core deficits in ADHD (Barry, Clark, & Johnstone, 2005).  Utilizing this methodology, researchers from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Loyola University Psychology, and First Chicago Neuroscience Research observed ADHD amongst children.  The study included 30 participants, 17 males and 13 females, aged 6-17, as they completed both an initial baseline and post-medication observation to examine brain electrophysiology through quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG).  Furthermore, they self-evaluated their mood, inclusive of depression and anxiety testing, were given IVA + Visual and Auditory Attention Testing in order to calculate attention and response capacities, and orally received Adderall or Ritalin.  As the children were seperated into electrophysiological clusters, researchers examined their response to the stimulants.  The results indicated that the participants did not replicate traditional data.  The majority of the children demonstrated surplus amounts of frontal-central bilateral beta in their qEEG and additional irregular blends of fast and slow wave movement.  Additionally, two new electrophysiological clusters were introduced.  The participants illustrating positive responses to the medications, regardless of Adderall or Ritalin, proved to have enhanced frontal lobe beta suppression and decreased negative dispositions.  Consequently, overall attention and response levels were increased or normalized.  In comparing the participants to those afflicted with ADHD in traditional research, the participants exemplified varied hyperactive behaviors and more severe symptoms (Martin et al., 2010).  Moreover, as opposed to other brain imaging methods such as PET, SPECT, MRI and MRS, the qEEG method enables practitioners to perform simultaneous tasks and is considered an effective, safe, and inexpensive means of examining cortical electrophysiological dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders such as ADHD (Song, Shin, Jon, & Ha, 2005).
            In closing, ADHD encompasses functional deviations of the central nervous system affecting an individual’s attention span and impulse control as well as hyperactivity (Remedy Health Media, 2012).  While it affects approximately seven percent of children in the U.S., it has the potential to exist throughout adolescence and into adulthood.  As ADHD has become more common in modern times, practitioners are increasingly implementing biopsychological methodologies to diagnose, evaluate, and provide treatment.  Hence, pharmacological, invasive electrophysiological recording and magnetic resonance imaging are utilized.  Furthermore, neuropsychological research is applied.  As the causes vary from altered brain function and anatomy, heredity, maternal smoking, drug use, environmental toxins, sugar and food additives, these methods assist practitioners in their efforts to identify and observe such as well as the behaviors associated with the ADHD (Mayo Clinic, 2012).  Currently, numerous variants and genetic phenomena are yet to be discovered.  Therefore these methods will remain beneficial in the explanation, diagnosis, and treatment of the condition. 

Aston-Jones, G.S. & Siggins, G.R. (2000). Electrophysiology. Retrieved May 21, 2012, from
Barry, R.J., Clark, A.R., & Johnstone S.J. (2005). Electrophysiology in attention deficit /
hyperactivity disorder. [Electronic version]. International Journal of Psychophysiology 58, 1-3.
Czarnolewski, M. (2011). Further ADHD differences identified with a false discovery test.
            Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
DuPaul, G.J. & Kern, L. (2011). Psychotropic medication treatment. In G.J. DuPaul & L. Kern,
            Young children with ADHD: Early identification and intervention (pp. 149-165).
            Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Martin, C.N., Hymer, J., Poprawski, T.J., Paciora, R.A., & Konopka, L.M. (2010). Childhood
ADHD: translating electrophysiological laboratory findings into a clinical setting. American Psychological Association 2010 Convention Presentation. Retrieved May 21, 2012, from
Mayo Clinic. Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. Retrieved May 21,
NIMH. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Retrieved May 21, 2012, from
Pinel, J.P.J. (2011). Biopsychology (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Remedy Health Media. Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. Retrieved May 21, 2012,

Song, D.H., Shin, D.W., Jon, D.I., & Ha, E.H. (2005). Effects of methylphenidate on quantitative

EEG of boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in continuous performance test. [Electronic version]. Yonsei Medical Journal, 46(1), 34-41.

Genetic Engineering

 Genetic Engineering
            Biopsychologists are progressively utilizing genetic engineering techniques to modify genes.  The benefits of such research are, (a) to prevent life threatening and incurable disease, (b) produce better medicines and drugs, (c) slow the aging process, (d) produce designer babies, (e) create super-humans, and (f) clone individuals (Baxamusa, 2012).  In effort to carry out this research, modern genetic methods such as gene knockout and gene replacement are employed.  Gene knockout refers to a technique in which a particular gene is deleted from the organism created for examination.  This enables researchers to comprehend the neural causes of behavior.  Gene replacement is defined as a process in which one gene replaces another.  This technique may pinpoint defective genes or modify genetic reactions (Pinel, 2011).  Although these techniques are useful, the interpretation of the research may be challenging.  “It may be tempting to think that each behavior is controlled by a single gene, but the reality is much more complex.  Each behavior is controlled by many genes interacting with one another and with experience” (Pinel, 2011, p. 117).  While these methods are difficult to deduce, they are increasingly employed in biopsychological research.
Baxamusa, B.N. (2012). Genetic Engineering in Humans. Retrieved from
Pinel, J.P.J. (2011). Biopsychology (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Divisions of Biopsychology

Divisions of Biopsychology
            The field of biopsychology is divided into various concentrations; physiological psychology, psychopharmacology, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, comparative psychology, and psychophysiology.  Although all of these are applicable, psychophysiology is best equipped to examine the overall science.  In effort to support this belief, the terms must be defined and the advantages and disadvantages of each must be discussed.
First, physiological psychology refers to the method of using controlled experiments to directly manipulate the brain in effort to examine the neural mechanisms of behavior (Pinel, 2011).  This explains the process and conjunction between how the subject psychically behaves and the brain’s operations.
- Advantages:         - It is a thorough scientific methodology.
- It has a plethora of practical applications and effective treatment  
- Effective treatment of mental illness.
- Supports the aspect of nature in the dispute, nature verses nurture.
- Disadvantages:     - It is too simplistic and inadequate to conclusively explain complex emotions, thoughts, and behaviors (Revision World, 2004).
Second, psychopharmacology takes into consideration the affects drugs have on neural activity and behavior (Pinel, 2011).  It examines how drugs influence and manipulate an individual’s brain and conduct. 
- Advantages:         - Illustrates the benefit of medication.
- Treats disorders which therapy is rendered ineffective / inappropriate.
- Cost effective, versus therapy.
- Disadvantages:     - Side effects may be hazardous.
- May be ineffective in the long term.
- May result in brain damage.
- May be addictive (Answers Corporation, 2012).
Third, neuropsychology enables practitioners to focus on the ways in which brain damage affects the human psyche (Pinel, 2011). 
- Advantages:         - Enhances self-awareness.
                              - Identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
                              - Objective, valid, and reliable methodology.
- Disadvantages:     - Environmental factors, mood, attitude, fatigue, pain, medication, or language barriers may impede test or study interpretation (Foran, Goodinson, & Associates, 2009).
The fourth division of biopsychology is cognitive neuroscience.  This method considers the mechanisms of the nervous system in relation to human cognition or intellectual processes (Pinel, 2011). 
- Advantages:         - Through the use of brain imaging techniques, exceptionally detailed illustration of brain injury and information concerning acute and even temporary, pathological modifications in brain function may be linked to variance in behavior (Fellows, Stark, Berg, & Chatterjee, 2008).
- Disadvantages:     - Relies heavily on human examination rather than animal testing, thus omitting penetration or direct brain manipulation (Pinel, 2011).
Next, comparative psychology employs the comparative method in effort to explore behavior in terms of evolution, genetics, and adaptation (Pinel, 2011).  By comparing varying species in laboratory or natural settings, practitioners determine behavioral phenomena.
- Advantages:         - Exposes a greater comprehension of human psychology.
                               - Evaluates modern species to ancient species.
- Disadvantages:     - It is considered by many as inefficient in the assumption that animal behavior is capable of determining human behavior (Cherry, 2012). 
Lastly, psychophysiology ought to be considered the most applicable division of biopsychology.  This method is utilized to determine the connection between physical activity and mental processes (Pinel, 2011).
- Advantages:         - Is a conclusive methodology granting consideration to psychical and neural mechanisms.
                               - Measures / Identifies muscles reaction and bodily movement, as well as attention, emotion, and info processing.
                               - Easily recordable results.
- Disadvantages:     - Stress, arousal, or individual specificity may alter behavior or reaction (Pinel, 2011).

Answers Corporation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of psychopharmacology?
Retrieved April 12, 2012, from
Cherry, K. (2012). What is comparative psychology? Retrieved April 12, 2012, from
Fellows, L.K., Stark, M., Berg, A., & Chatterjee, A. (2008). Patient Registries in Cognitive
Neuroscience Research: Advantages, Challenges, and Practical Advice [Electronic version]. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20:6, 1107–1113.
Foran, A., Goodinson, R. & Associates. (2009). Neuropsychology and Mental Capacity
Assessments. Retrieved April 12, 2012, from
Pinel, J.P.J. (2011). Biopsychology (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Revision World. Advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved April 12, 2012, from